Sunday, November 22, 2009

Petal Book Bag

Petal Book bag - $12.00



Prayer Cards

Prayer Cards - $ 30.00

These are the sweetest prayers to pray over your little one! I love that they are personalized for each child. My two-year old loves praying them every night before she goes to bed, it is such a great way to teach your child about prayer too!


Cute and cuddly baby blanket - $16.00

I love these blankets because they are slighlty larger than the average baby blanket. Which makes it great for playing on the floor or outside.

Baby Hats

Handmade knit hats - $ 15.00 (0-9 months) $20.00 (9-18 months)

(I also make hats for boys - just haven't taken pictures of them yet.)

Burp Cloths

Funky and Fun Burp cloths - $6.00

Wipe Containers

Cute, stylish wipe containers - $12.00

Name Tags

Personalized Nametags for book bags/diaperbags - $5.00