Monday, November 22, 2010

New Burp cloths and Baby Hats!!!

I keep forgetting to post new pictures when I make stuff. It seems I remember as soon as it leaves my hands! Thankfully I remembered this time ;) Here are two burp cloth sets I just did.

Now the hats.....

(not a great angle on the flower but, yes it actually is a flower)

Friday, November 19, 2010


A little over a year ago I got into appliquéing shirts and onsies for my girls. Honestly it was the cheapest way to have them match. I am slightly addicted. Anyway, this is what I made them for Thanksgiving. I started with the shirt and realized I had a ton of fabric I made the skirt too!

(My model was being such a HAM)
After cranking out those two outfits I was feeling super confidant and decided to tackle, the "Oh SO cute" ruffle pant again. I made a couple pairs about two years ago but they just didn't hold up. Mainly due to the fabric I used but partly due to me not knowing how to accurately measure the crotch. So, I consulted with a friend and out came these! They are WAY better then my last pair!

Here is a shirt I made for a friend's little girl who just had a birthday! It turned out super cute too!